Steve and I go way back.  I'm talking, 13 year old Babe Ruth baseball: that far back.  I also had a good time doing some temp work for his company, York International, while I was still figuring out life as a photographer in 2011.  It was pretty cool to spend some time with him for those five months. 

I had the opportunity to meet his fiance, Allison, a few years ago (2008) and she is very sweet. I believe we did this set after Steve got off from work, on a Friday. I drove up to his office, and we then picked up Allison, "Ally," and headed out. We went over to Memorial Park in Larchmont, NY which is a beautiful. My images aren't wide enough to do it justice.

 What I remember most from this set was acting like a fool...for two reasons:

First, this was one of the first sets that I used the D700 outdoors in a soft overcast light. Every time I would look into the LCD I was shocked at the sharpness, clarity and color rendition. Secondly, Ally and Steve...yeah.  They nailed it.  If I asked them to be sweet and intimate, they did it. If I asked them to be still and just focus right into the lens, they did it.  I could really feel love and energy coming from them and it was uplifting. I was "ooohing and aaahing and saying "oh my goodness!" the whole time.

A very cool surprise is that Ally has a background in Art, so we were on a similar wavelength this afternoon. Any time I pointed to something, or suggested an idea, she saw what I saw, and vice versa. A fun afternoon: