Oh, my soul…

I’m not a father (yet), so the closest thing I have to a child is my photographs. Is that weird to say? I don’t think so. They are my creation. They are an extension of me. They will be around after I die…that all seems to match parenthood.

I do feel very spiritually connected to my work and at times my emotions to sway as they relate to my images. This post in particular will be about one of those sways. I started typing a long story about what happened but here’s the short of it: the hard drive containing my day three Barcelona images failed, and it turns out that I had only backed up days one and two. Some of my children are lost (temporarily. I WILL have that drive repaired).

This post is going to make the best of what I have: the images I started to blog before the drive failed, and the “masters” which had been saved in my iPhoto library. I’m really glad I found that piece of knowledge.

Here are some highlights from a fun third day in Barcelona, including….

A visit to Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya:

Walking the streets to get to the Telefèric Castillo de Montjuïc gondola ride:

A vast city view from the gondola:

Quick stops at Montjuïc Castle and Parque Montjuic:

A visit to Antoni Gaudí’s Park Guell:

An evening visit to Gaudí’s Casa Battlo:

A promise to myself, and to you, I will be back after that hard drive repair with all of the images and a full narration of the day.

Also see…