Here’s to first clients…

I started building a photography portfolio from the ground up and was not sure what genre of photography I would venture towards.  I would just post my practice images to Facebook and be wowed and humbled by the positive response.  I was discovering a comfort in photographing people and I just kept going.  I eventually created a Facebook business page, "Photography by Mallury Patrick." One day, a message appeared in the page's inbox:

“Hi Mallury! Do you photograph weddings? I’m interested to know more about your business.”

The message came from Emily Tu. I knew Emily from high school.  During those years, music was "my thing." I enjoyed playing the clarinet.  Emily was an excellent viola player.  Normally, the concert band and string orchestra were taught and performed separately.  But occasionally, a few members from the concert band would join the string orchestra for a few selected pieces.  I remember Emily from those combined rehearsals and performances.

It was nice to hear from her and I was excited at the prospect of photographing her wedding.  It was a major turning point in my photography career.  My thoughts/instincts on weddings had been, "save them for later."  But something told me to take a chance.  I was honest with Emily that I had not done any weddings yet but was willing to photograph hers.  It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.  Her and her fiancé, Bjorn, were very supportive of the fact that I was just starting a business and we went through everything step by step.  

On the day of their engagement session,  we met at the Stamford Town Center at Barnes and Noble, discussed their a wedding contract, and then drove around downtown Stamford looking for good photo ops. There was an excitement on both sides. We circled around a few locations in downtown Stamford and looking for intriguing lighting, color or textures.

I could not have asked for a better first clients, a first couple to work with: