My buddy, Eddie Furth, is always hustling.When he’s not calling Bingo at Ye Rustin Inn, or working behind the scenes at a comedy show, or honing his skills at an open mic, he’s probably testing out new material on Facebook, working on a podcast, or you might find him hosting a show at the Nerdist School on Sunset, called “Historical Roasts." Co-created and produced by Eddie, Ryan Pigg and Samee Junio, the Historical Roast comedy show is pretty self-explanatory but I’ll still copy and paste the info from their Facebook page to give you an idea of what they're all about: 

Historical Roast: Teaching history a lesson. 

This comedy show & podcast features a group of comedians, the historical figure, and someone that impacted that figure's life.

Many of the people who have their own statues, biopics, streets and schools named after them, are all people in history. It's time to bring their ego down a notch.

On this particular night, I had the honor of witnessing and photographing the debut show, which featured our 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth was also in attendance, and well, as you could imagine the two men had some words for one another.

A great job by my friend, Eddie, his co-host, Ryan Pigg, as well as the stand-up comics and actors in the show. I will come back and add in proper credits/all of the performers' names soon...

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