In 2010, my good friend, Sage Suppa, created "The Crew." As their tagline read, they were a "sketch show of the varietal kind. " It was some funny stuff, and Sage set up this photo shoot in order to create some images for The Crew's website.

The inspiration for this shoot started with Sage sharing that he had read an article that was about still photography capturing subjects in mid-air.  The claim: one's true self is captured while they are jumping, there is no way to hide your personality while in flight.  I was intrigued.  Plus mid-air jumping portraits seemed to be a fitting idea for a sketch comedy crew.

Sage gathered β€œThe Crew,” and we found a spot in Central Park to create what he needed.  The afternoon was to include: wide mid-air shots, close up mid-air shots, and two portraits (one nice, one silly) of each Crew member.

The delightful cast of The Crew. In no particular order: 







and John.

Wouldn't you know, some Central Park tournists even got in on the fun!

Sage was also looking for some behind the scenes images of the cast reviewing scripts and scenes...

...which was serious, serious stuff: 

Knowing there would be a MUSIC section on The Crew's website, Sage wanted to do a few things with a guitar. Rock-starrin' it out: 

After the shoot, Sage, Nikki and I walked the streets of the City.  It never fails.  When I'm not in such a hurry to get on the train and leave, good things happen in New York.  We had some fun with the SB-800 off camera In Times Square, at the TKTS steps: