Water, water everywhere…

This won’t take long. By that, I mean, it won’t take long for you to go through this page and these images because on my second day in Tokyo, Typhoon Hagibis had arrived and was in full force. The tropical cyclone dumped rain and more rain all over the region and this entire day in Tokyo was essentially a no go. The typhoon caused much damage and caused a few fatalities, so I understand the bigger picture; my enjoyment of Tokyo comes second to that aforementioned fact. I still tried to explore but was met with Mother Nature’s powerful denial.


I had destination in mind to try (below) and would ride the train for almost an hour. If you like one point perspective, here’s some interiors of the Tokyo subway stations. Pretty standard stuff, minus the last one: that felt a little different in style than the US:


My thought was that possibly shopping malls would still be open. One of the biggest I had learned of was the Sunshine City Complex in the district of Ikebukuro. Ha…haha…silly American. It was fully closed. A ghost town inside. So that’s a hard no on Day II activities? Roger that. I at least took the time to document the scene outdoors:

I would eventually go back to my hotel room and just do…nothing. I researched a few things to do when the weather improved, but otherwise I kept staring out the window until I got hungry. But I talk about that on a different page…

Shoutout to the bicyclist

My OCD took over while blogging this. I forgot an image of a cyclist in the rain that was meant for the gallery above. The 12 images above looked so nice together that the thought of adding a hangnail of 13th made me shutter. Here is that missing image:


also see…