Turning miscommunication into art...

The many days and nights of rideshare driving have introduced me many new people. Tykie is on that long list. The California native and I spoke about life one night on the streets of Pasadena. Her coolness overtook everything and her honesty was refreshing. We connected on Instagram and chatted about getting together in the name of art and creativity. We had a bit of a misunderstanding. Her instagram feed had a few images that looked like she had modeled before so I was interested in capturing a few portraits of her. She was interested in purchasing a new camera and learning a bit more about Photography... This little difference in expectation didn't emerge until we were walking around the Arts District in Downtown. After many awkward, "it's cool" delcarations on both sides, she was awesome enough to go along with taking a few photographs. It was extra cool of her, because at the time she had a little bit of a black eye (from an accident with her sister), but it made for something more real.  

We found ourselves on the corner of 4th and Molino where a garage door and a sweet mural by Colossal Media, served as a great backdrop. 

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