Heavenly and Green

Winter does officially happen in Los Angeles. Blink and you’ll miss it, but there are a handful of weeks where skies are cloudy and we actually get that wet stuff. For the first few years I lived in Los Angeles, (2013-2016) there was a severe drought in Southern California. In in the winter of 2016 into 2017, we got a break. Massive rainfall covered the area and it led to big beautiful green mountainsides, the likes of which I’ve never seen, but aptly photographed.

This year, (2019) brought a similar amount of rainfall and as expected a similar result. One day, I found myself down around the Yorba Linda/Anaheim area, in a parking lot, confronting some wonderful hillsides after sunrise:


I felt like the message was received. I should find a trail and enjoy this post-rain greenness. Thanks again to All Trails, I found the Weir Canyon Short Loop and explored. Not only are hillsides gorgeous and green after the rain, but the skies are clear and the clouds are plenteous. Overall, Southern California ends up looking like heaven:

That final image was a random treat. Someone parked their classic Jaguar nearby and it fit right into the glorious landscape.

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